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Showing posts from August 26, 2007

"We have just completed our first successful illegal internment" - Pat Ford ll

I wanted to thank everyone for helping to make Johns last wishes a reality.Our family humour is sick and twisted and much appreciated.The weekend was great but too short to really talk to the130 or so in attendance.I look forward to hearing from more of you on the blog and thanks again to Pat Dean for getting everyone set up.

The Woods Family

Hi All: Now that I have figured out how to do this, I can't get enough. For those that don't know, I just wanted to fill you in on my family. Jim and I have two kids, Colleen (15) and Paul ( 18). Colleen is an irish dancer for 11 years now and about to enter grade 10 where she plans to coxie for the girls rowing team as she did last year. She is your normal 15 year old who is never far from her cell phone, ipod or computer. Paul is about to start university at Brock here in St. Catharines. He plans at this point to become a history/religion teacher. He spent the summer teaching sailing at the Buffalo Canoe Club and during the winter works at a hotel in Niagara Falls as a lifeguard. We are proud to be summer trailer trash since we bought a place at Sherkston Shores at the end of last year. We spent most of the summer there this year. We love to have company, so plan on spending a day at the beach with us sometime if you are in the neighbourhood. I am including a picture that was...

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Pictures from the Reunion

Fabulous Ford Family Funday in Fenwick

I had such a great time seeing everyone again. Thanks to Mary and Mark for once again hosting this event that was larger and better than ever. Thanks to Kevin and Fred for the final send off to Uncle John. It was very touching. I think John would have approved. Thanks also to Debbie and Mark for the party afterwards that unfortunately I was only able to be at a little of. Many discussed the planning of the next one. It was suggested that we hold off a year or two and that maybe it be held at a hotel in Niagara Falls Ontario as there are three that have water parks (indoors) for all. Going into the states cannot work as Canadians over the age of 70 have no way of obtaining out of country health coverage for any pre-existing health problem and unbelievably we have many who are over 70 and many more who are a catching up. Anyway, any suggestions or offers to help would be welcomed.