Today we have arrived at 200 entries of the blog. Thanks Pat for getting it started. Today we are also celebrating the 200th birthday of Kevin Ford, the older Kevin Ford. Oops I mean the 46th birthday of the founder, manager, chief repairman and go to guy of Coast Gas Fireplace and Repair. Happy Birthday cousin, much older cousin. Today he is to be golfing and generally lazing about. Don't let him know this but he deserves the break. Don't any of you tell him this because it will go to his head and he will be impossible to live with. Tomorrow is my son Kyle's birthday and for years Kevin has been LIEING to him , telling Kyle that he was really born on the 26th and that we had been lieing to him. This is what I have to deal with.
Ford Finscéal (that's Gaelic for oral legend) - an online space where the decendants of that prolific couple Ed and Loretto Ford can share stories about the family - old and new, and generally just keep in touch.