John's memorial went really well, we had about 50 - 60 people show up, considering the weather ,that was impressive!I video taped the memorial (set up the camera and walked away).If possible, I will try to post it.Fred was the M.C. and did a great job.It started off with Caitlin Dean (Rob and Tamara's eldest) and Kiana Ford (Ann & my daughter) reading from a book that Uncle John gave Kieran and Kiana called "Goodnite Moon". Friends and family followed with stories and poem of Uncle John.This is a poem that I wrote to John. Uncle John At the age of 18, I first came to the coast, for a little holiday and to find my groove From another Alberta winter that I had forgotten to move I came to Vancouver with my Uncle I would stay I knew little about the man, only that he was gay He was the nineth of 15 kids raised in steel town Not quite fitting in with the other‘s around Growing up wondering what his future would entail In a time when for just being who you are, you cou...
Ford Finscéal (that's Gaelic for oral legend) - an online space where the decendants of that prolific couple Ed and Loretto Ford can share stories about the family - old and new, and generally just keep in touch.