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Showing posts from February 28, 2010

2010 Ride To Conquer Cancer

Hi Family, its that time of year again. I need your help and more importantly I need your money.I don"t need to remind you how cancer affects us all.We are lucky to have the brave cancer survivors in our family. Please help me reach my goal for this years ride by going to: and make your donation.We can and will beat this!Thanks to everyone who has already donated!! P.S.Any spandex jokes will be an automatic $25,00 donation! Tahnks Kevin

Busy weekend out west

WELL we have been busy out here over the last few days. Kevin turned 105 on Friday (sad to miss your centenary plus five) and my son Kyle turned 9 (there IS NOTHING like hanging out in a basement with a bunch of 8-11 year olds to make one appreciate children who are asleep). We also had a lttle hockey game out here that kept us on the edge of our seats (funny coming from a guy who NEVER watches hockey). Hope everyone had a good end to their February.