Ive spoken to Fred he said patti is home and feeling better. They were able to put the stint in thru the IV in her wrist. Amazing eh? Last night Aunt Nora and uncle Rudy had a get together at there house. My sister Mary and i took my parents up to stoney creek for it. Bernie and Jackie,Mike and Karen,Aunt Mildred, . It was nice to see everyone. Rosalie who mistakenly thought i just turn 50. She confused me with Denis weho hit the big 5-0 in September. Im only 46. I will be forgiving Rosalie sometime in the next 30 to 60 days. Pat and Marge, Maureen and Uncle Dan all cancelled because they were not feeling well.It was great to see everyone who were able to attend.
Ford Finscéal (that's Gaelic for oral legend) - an online space where the decendants of that prolific couple Ed and Loretto Ford can share stories about the family - old and new, and generally just keep in touch.