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Showing posts from November 25, 2007

(Joe) Gallagher Grandkids' holiday pictures

It wasn't easy to get 5 kids (ages 7 down to 2 months) to sit nicely for pictures but we somehow managed a few good shots. You should remember Olivia (7), Anthony (3) - Nikki's kids Kameron (5 in a few days) and Nathan (1) - Lauren's children and our newest addition belongs to Michelle. She was unable to come to the reunion with us because she was so close to delivering. Carson Joseph was born September 6th.

Doe a Deer

Ask and you shall receive. Here is a video that shows how much our kids (Noah and Ella) loved the Sound of Music tour in Salzburg, Austria. Thanks to Grandma who bought them the Sound of Music Soundtrack that we played for 7 hours in the car from Salzburg to Zurich... So Long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, adieu...

Where has everyone gone?

I agree with you Robby one thumb, its as if nobody has anything interesting happening in their lives. A Canadian excuse is we haven't had a major holiday to have family pictures of, but the American family members have thanksgiving, which of coarse is a way bigger deal than it is in Canada. So where are the pictures? stories? Legends? Traditions? Come on, post something, we are desperate here!!