It's SO GREAT to read these updates and I'll admit it makes me a little homesick. Technology certainly has advanced since the old "Ford Family Favourite" cookbook days!! I've read family updates from some of you that I haven't seen in over 15 years! Now on to my family. We now live in Singapore. I fled Canada 4 years ago, with my wife Carol, after narrowly escaping pursuit from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. There was a warrant for my arrest since I didn't ice skate, follow hockey or ski. Luckily most of the federal agents were tied up with an investigation over a store sign that didn't comply with Canadian French/English translation laws and had spelled "Color" without the "u". That was close. For those of you that don't know where Singapore is, here's a map. (I'll admit that I wasn't sure - I just figured it was near China). It's 100 km (60 miles) north of the equator, sandwiched between indonesia and Malay...
Ford Finscéal (that's Gaelic for oral legend) - an online space where the decendants of that prolific couple Ed and Loretto Ford can share stories about the family - old and new, and generally just keep in touch.