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Showing posts from July 4, 2010

My Dad had a fall

My father had a bad fall on Wednesday around dinner time. He had been sick with a bladder infection and as a result was not as steady on his feet.He fell while walking to the washroom. He is OK, no broken bones. He has a cut on his forehead and his nose and a scrape on his hand and knee.When i saw him again yesterday(Thursday) his right eye was also a little swollen. As i mentioned before after he heels up again, they would really like some visitors. Please encourage his brothers and sisters to come visit. There phone number changed in March to 905 938 7624

Stanley Park with Jack Black

Mark , Mary , Christopher and Katie Simmonds are now visiting us here in BC. Today , while everyone went to the Aquarium , Mary and I went for a walk.As you can see we met Jack Black who is here doing a film with Steve Martin. He couln't have been kinder taking a few moments out from his day in the park with his family.

SCAR Project photos up on FB

Many of you know that I traveled up to NYC a few months ago to participate in a photo project of young women affected by breast cancer. I had been waiting and waiting for the pictures to go up in the gallery and had no idea that the photographer had created a FB page where my photo is featured in the album :) Here is the link to his fan page:!/pages/The-SCAR-Project/255064983743?v=wall&ref=mf I also wanted to let you guys know about my "Tribe" - necklaces are still available for ordering - you can see it up close in my FB profile page :) Here is the link: Please feel free to pass along both links - the more awareness, the better!!