So, i've been thinking - yes yes it's true - I've been thinking. Smell the smoke.
If posting an entire family update is a little too much at one go, then maybe everyone could build out their profiles. Maybe with a picture - or maybe just with a description. Anything would be good - especially since some of our blog names don't entirely reveal our true identities. For instance, who is this other Kathleen person. Or Robbyblogger for that matter. And of course i'm dying to know who FanUno1 is...
If posting an entire family update is a little too much at one go, then maybe everyone could build out their profiles. Maybe with a picture - or maybe just with a description. Anything would be good - especially since some of our blog names don't entirely reveal our true identities. For instance, who is this other Kathleen person. Or Robbyblogger for that matter. And of course i'm dying to know who FanUno1 is...
As Far as the great Kathleen debate i think the one in question is Kathy Dean Diletti. However there is a Kathleen yet to be heard from, that would be my neice Kathleen Coughlin, daughter of my sister Margaret
Love ya,
Cupcake just stole my dignity, humanity, and will to live.
And thank God for that, cuz I had a 20 in my wallet and he would've just used it to buy smokes...
Pat can't show pictures of his kids because he "borrowed" them and the coppers are after him... They know him as SweetPea.
And what about Mary Katherine Gallagher. Are you out there? I'd love to hear from you. And Margaret, and Margaret Louise, and... come out, come out wherever you are!