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Golf Anyone?

Welcome to the 100th posting on the blog! I believe Pat will supply a gift of some sort for this honour.I was thinking that a round of golf would be in order with all the family wanting to attend.I know the niagara area has plenty of courses available or Hamilton but the important thing is we golf either before or after the reunion.I would like to nominate my brother Danny and Pat Dean to organise this and report back.Can I hear from someone to second that motion?Possibly a wine tour for those who don't golf , what do I care Im not organising it!


Kathleen said…
I don't golf but I'm seconding it.What else can I second?!
colleen vennard said…
All in favor? I would like to do both! Kevin it's been ten years since our last golf game!
Kevin Ford said…
I hope you dont remember my score!I feel the motion is carried!Thanks Pat and Dan , you guy's are awsome!
Dan Ford said…
Thats great, Im sure Pat will do a fine job organizing. Pat please let me know when my tee time is will you. Earlier the better, i like to be off the coarse before anyone is awake. Pat if you need help call Kevin
Kathleen said…
Hey Danny remember Pat lives in Toronto. He doesn't know any coarses. He may book you in to play a round of mini golf. Be prepared.
Kevin Ford said…
Really Dan , how selfish!
Kevin Ford said…
All kidding aside,I can try to coordinate a golf tournament if we have enough people interested.So if everyone could ask around we can start with the numbers and then move on to when and where.I will need alittle help from you local folks for recommended courses (No Dan , not the dump!)So far it's Colleen and I.
colleen vennard said…
I will be attending by myself. So far we are a twosome but in a family this size I am sure we will have a few interested parties? Kevin, when are you guys flying out? I am thinking of leaving on the 17th and returning on the 20th but I think I am flying Air Canada which means I have to fly into Toronto.
Kevin Ford said…
We are flying Westjet into Hamilton.If you are staying in Welland (which is about 15 minutes from where we are) you might want to consider it. It sure beats that long drive from Toronto.We are arriving around midnight on the 13th and we are there until the 27th.Any chance Brian Barry ,Karen or are going to make it?
colleen vennard said…
I am flying out the 17th and returning on the twentieth. I am flying into Toronto that was the only flight that worked for me. I have flown into Hamilton and you are right it is way easier. I think I am staying at the Days in @ Welland, I emailed Nikki that I wiuld take one of the rooms but I have not heard back. They must have a shuttle that goes from the airport to Welland, do you know?
I keep trying to persuade Karen and Brian to come. Karen thinks she has used up most of her time off. Karen, Rob, Shanda,Dave, Brian, Holly, Wayne and I have a little golf date in Camrose and a family dinner so I'll as them again. Look forward to seeing you.
Dan Ford said…
Colleen i would suggest for transportation to Welland. What day are you talking about Golfing?
And whats wrong with the dump? (we have a old garbage dump that they built a golf coarse over top of. Thats for the out of towners info)
Kevins i am interested but its hard to book a coarse long in advance, especially on a Sunday. So yes numbers are important.
Kevin Ford said…
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Kevin Ford said…
If we did John's "ash n dash" on the Sunday morning in Hamilton ,perhaps we could get a tee off around midday in Hamilton as well.Anyone know any good golf course in Hamilton? AS far as the Niagara Fords go ,Fred , Denis,Dan ,Kevin , Mark ,Mary, Jim ,Big ED , Peter and probably a few of the nieces and nephews and spouses as well would be interested .Dan can you get me a number on that group?How about the Deans, Mathews, Gallagers, Fords'Corsini's, Beningers,Boschlers ,Barry's,Berry's and anyone else who I may have missed.I need help people!...and Dan , it's a dump!
colleen vennard said…
Kevin that sounds good to me. It sounds like quite a few golfers, which could be considered a mini tournament. In that case they will let you book in advance!
I am having trouble getting ahold of Nikki. I asked via her email address to include me in her block of rooms, but I haven't heard back. Does anyone know if she has an alternate address?

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