I don't know if these are in order, but a picture of Leo (Colleen's husband), and her son Christopher, and then another of Amelia, Christopher, and Noah.
There's a laughing picture of Rick Huza and Uncle Mike.
And a cute pic of Aunt Milly and Aunt (sister) Liz.
There should be a picture of Kathleen and David Salonen on their wedding day.
Then there is a terrible picture of all of us Bochsler's on the couch in 2005. We are holding an exact position of a photograph that was taken in 1995, but I don't have that one digital, so you will have to IMAGINE a similar younger photograph. We are top row Dad, Colleen, Kathleen, and Mom, and bottom row Paul, David, Mark, and Kevin.
The next photo started as Mark Kevin, David and Paul on the couch but then Pat Dean came in and ruined it. Then to get in on the action is Pat's son Jack behind the couch, and daughter Colleen beside him. Then David's son Noah climbed onto Kevin's lap, and then Amelia found herself a seat in front on the red chair. I don't know if it happened in this order, but pretend it did.
The next photo is Alison (Kevin's wife), Mark, cousin Tony Corsini, Pat Dean, and Mark's fiance Sandra.
Then Ella and Carol (David's daughter and wife).
Then we have twins (Aunt Nora and mom (Aunt Maureen)).
I think that's it. Love y'all,
Paul Bochsler
Rarely do we try to take photos because inevitably Pat gets himself in the picture. One of the many reasons there are no pictures of my wife giving birth to our three beautiful kiddies.
Everyone looks great and the picture in 2005 brought me back to a bunch of unconscious uncles in that very spot. You folks look a bit more energetic.
Hugs and kisses