I agree with you Robby one thumb, its as if nobody has anything interesting happening in their lives. A Canadian excuse is we haven't had a major holiday to have family pictures of, but the American family members have thanksgiving, which of coarse is a way bigger deal than it is in Canada. So where are the pictures? stories? Legends? Traditions? Come on, post something, we are desperate here!!
Last week I tried to "encourage" my family to post to this blog. I sent them all TERRIBLE pictures of themselves and threatened to post them here if they didn't post their own. Although they all responded soon enough to my threat, nobody has updated this blog yet. To be fair, this sort of thing is easier for me to do so I'll give a general update on the family. I won't post those nasty pictures just yet, because I'm sure there are some of me floating around and I don't want to start a war. You may remember there are 6 kids, in order of age: Mark, Colleen, Paul, David, Kathleen & Kevin. Hearing it listed like that reminds me of being called for dinner. :) Mom and Dad (Maureen and Al) are both in good health and living in that big house you remember in Ancaster. The house and property itself would look very different to many of you as my Dad's projects have really transformed the place. There are no more big willow trees (and no more treehouse!) :( ...
Pat the initiator was saying that he has photos to post from his European Vacation sans the Chevy Chase. I don't know what else he has to do with his time. Kevin the gas man and I were driving through New Westminster and he called it the ugliest downtown core around maybe we could ask the family where they think the ugliest downtown core is.
Later we can get politically correct and ask for the nicest core or we can skip all that and people can come up with their own reasons to write even if its to stop me from continueing on.
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