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Strong Genes

I took this group photo of a group of Gallagher men just after Christmas this year but I singled out my Uncle Kevin's son Daniel - I thought he had a resemblance to Pat Dean and now to this picture of "Grandaddy" too!


I forgot to name everyone in the group picture - just in case anyone wants to know...
You all will recognize, I'm sure, Pat, Joe and Ford on the left side of the photo.
Staning in back (l-r) is Daniel, Wes and Dylan (all Kevin's boys) and finally Terry. Down in front with the hat is Nick and the other is Loretta's Tony :)
Dan Ford said…
Thanks Nikki
Great picture.As soon as i saw it , my first thought was to ask for all the names. Which of coarse you had already done so. Please continue to send more photos, i need to study up for when we come down in July. We are really looking forward to coming down. I think it was 1988 or 89 when we were last down there.
robbyblogger said…
Hey Dan what agreat idea to put a name with a picture.Now go back to Jan, 1st please and fill in who is who please. When I was at Aunt C. and Uncle B's in 1991, ALL the fellas in the picture looked much different.
Dan Ford said…
Sir Robert
i did start to write a discription on who was who in that photo. After typing for what seemed like forever, i thought does anyone really care? But here we go are you ready?
First picture, forget it too far away.
Second picture, the lovely Kristina Ford (Denis's).
Third picture forget also, same reason.
Fourth picture, Kristina, my daughter Ellen, Loretto's daughter Colleen,Colleen's friend and Patricia Ford (Denis's daughter ) and in front row my son Jack in leaf jersey and his friend Kyle.
Fifth picture.
robbyblogger said…
Thanks Dan NOW I can finally have a decent night sleep.
Thanks Nikki for getting the naming thing going.
Dan Ford said…
fifth picture (editorial got cut off) was of Lorettos daughter Colleen Woods
robbyblogger said…
Pat has more hair less chin.
Oooh I'm in trouble now.
Dan Ford said…
Robbie when you answer back within 30 sec i know you need a new hobby, the gas fireplace repair isnt challenging you enough. Join a gym or something. take care buddy
Dan Ford said…
Robbie do you have webcam? if so i need a email address if its not the same one ive always had for you
Loretto Woods said…
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Loretto Woods said…
How long ago did Kevin die. I can't get over how grown up his boys are. How old are they now?
Kevin died in April 1995. I think Danny is 22, Wes is 20 or 21, and Dylan is 15.
Such a handsome group, those Gallaghers!

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