The pictures from the previous entry are great but who are those people who are not lucky enough to be endowed with gray hair?
When did the youngest cousin (Stephen Ford) stop being three feet tall with blond hair?
It is great seeing the crowd. I'm introducing my kids to all of you through the blog., but I need names.
When did the youngest cousin (Stephen Ford) stop being three feet tall with blond hair?
It is great seeing the crowd. I'm introducing my kids to all of you through the blog., but I need names.
Back rows
Louise Beninger, Mary Ford, Denis Ford, Anna Marie Corsini, Tony Corsini, Paul Bochsler, Rosalie Corsini, Tim Mathews, Colleen Bochsler, Dan Ford, Kat Ford, Pat Dean, Ian Ford, Debbie Mathews, Dean Ford, Brenda Ford, Steven Ford
Front Row
Joe Gallagher, (Spencer Marangoni)Peter Beninger, Loretta Berry, Pat Gallagher, Loretto Beninger, Loretto Ford
Back Row
Uncle Rudy, Uncle Bernie, Mark Marangoni(Debbie), Rick Huza(Loretta), Jim Woods(Loretto), (David Fords fiancé, sorry can’t remember her name)
Front row
Mimi Corsini (Tony), Bruce Ford(Louise), Aunt Karen, Mark Simmonds (Mary), Aunt Eleanor, Aunt Marge
Photo at the bottom with the flowers is all of Louise' children with Louise
If there are any others you don't know, just ask!
Dean in denial
Dead Dean no longer in denial.