My father has shingles. Originally we were told he had shingles in the eye by the doctor at Heidehof ,which is the home they live at. However he was sent to the hospital and the incredibly rude Doctor there said he didn't have shingles but made a appointment at a opthalmologist in Welland for Friday. Loretto took him to the appointment. The eye doctor said he had shingles of the eye lid but not the eye itself. He is not contagious but he will be in a lot of pain for three or four weeks. He is back at heidehof with my mom. So again, please encourage your parents to come down to visit them.
Last week I tried to "encourage" my family to post to this blog. I sent them all TERRIBLE pictures of themselves and threatened to post them here if they didn't post their own. Although they all responded soon enough to my threat, nobody has updated this blog yet. To be fair, this sort of thing is easier for me to do so I'll give a general update on the family. I won't post those nasty pictures just yet, because I'm sure there are some of me floating around and I don't want to start a war. You may remember there are 6 kids, in order of age: Mark, Colleen, Paul, David, Kathleen & Kevin. Hearing it listed like that reminds me of being called for dinner. :) Mom and Dad (Maureen and Al) are both in good health and living in that big house you remember in Ancaster. The house and property itself would look very different to many of you as my Dad's projects have really transformed the place. There are no more big willow trees (and no more treehouse!) :( ...
I know you're probably thinking I said I'd visit your parents then fell off the face of the earth. I was planning on calling to see if I could go Friday June 19 with my parents. My dad ended up in hospital the night before and was there for four days. He was very sick on arrival with urosepsis. Thankfully, he was treated immediately with IV antibiotics and fluids. He's made a remarkable recovery.
We will get in to see your parents soon. I know my mom keeps in touch regularly by phone. Give your mom and dad my love.
Im so sorry that your Dad was unwell.But im so glad he recovered so quickly.Although he is not contagious he wont be up and about for a week or so.