Happy 12th birthday Kiana and Happy 50th Mary Simmonds!
Mary Mary , sister of mine
I thought id write you a birthday Rhyme
The youngest of the girls and #5 in the clan
25 years ago , you married your man
Its milestones like this , you look back and take heed
What have I accomplished? Did I succeed?
We are often the ones who are hardest on ourselves
So its time you heard it from somebody else
A loving daughter & sister & mother & wife
Is a lot to be proud of at this stage of your life
We all know their is much much more , but where do you start?
For such a strong person with the worlds biggest heart
How about Grandmother or foster mother and mother in law
This is what makes us look at you in awe!
The yearly Fenwick reunion you continually stepped up to host
The hockey Mom , the Dancer Mom , you've always done the most
We will sit together soon and share a drink or three
So heres to you and here's to me , hope we never disagree
If we ever disagree ,than forget you and here's to me!!
I saw Kiana a few minutes ago as her family were dropping off Emma. She is a BIG twelve year old.
I did not know that Mary was a dancer? What type of dancer is she? Was she "dancing" twenty five years ago? May we start a RUMOUR?