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I have too much time on my hands! All the previous list in month order. Interesting, I think. We need this list updated though.

Maureen Barry Piggot January 5, 1951
Terry Gallagher January 16, 1958
Brian Barry January 4, 1959
Anna Marie Corsini Wilson January 13, 1963
Brenda Ford January 31, 1967

Ryan Gallagher January 20, 1978
Angela Ford January 26, 1978
Graham Wood January 12, 1982

Ford Gallagher February 2, 1951
Tim Mathews February 27, 1959
Kevin Ford February 26, 1962
Debbie Mathews Marangoni February 5, 1967

Tara Gallagher February 9, 1980
Kelly Speedling February 20, 1984
Ebony Wood February 19, 1988

Karen Barry Kuster March 27, 1963
Robert Dean March 12, 1964
Colleen Bochsler March 6, 1969
David Bochsler March 5, 1972

Christie Gallagher March 3, 1973
Meghan Gallagher March 3, 1979
Michelle Gallagher March 6, 1981
Joseph Gallagher March 8, 1986
Patrick Speedling March 9, 1987
Patrick Simmonds March 25, 1989

Louise Beninger Ford April 17, 1959
Mark Bochsler April 17, 1967
Paul Bochsler April 9, 1970
Rosalie Corsini April 14, 1972

Nikki Gallagher April 2, 1977
Kevin Piggott April 15, 1977
Bernie Gallagher April 8, 1984

Loretta Berry Huza May 24, 1951
Ann Loretto Beninger May 23, 1957
Loretto Ford Woods May 25, 1957
John Corsini May 23, 1964
Bernie Mathews May 19, 1965
Katharine Ford May 6, 1984

Amanda Ford May 15, 1979

Dan Gallagher June 1, 1955
Mary Catherine Gallagher June 1, 1955
Sean Barry June 18, 1955
Mary Ford Simmonds June 3, 1959
Tim Mathews June 27, 1960
Kathy Dean Diletti June 8, 1965

Michael Piggott June 12, 1974
Keith Wood June 28, 1979
Timothy Gallagher June 14, 1984
Ashleigh Huza June 18, 1985
Wesley Gallagher June 25, 1987
Zachary Diletti June 10, 1992
Brendan Coughlin June 23, 1992

Pat Gallagher July 3, 1952
Loretta Gallagher Speedling July 20, 1953
David Barry July 31, 1953
Joe Gallagher July 5, 1954
Margaret Ford Coughlin July 27, 1954
Colleen Barry Vennard July 17, 1961
Pat Dean July 11, 1971
Kathleen Bochsler July 25, 1973
Kevin Bochsler July 25, 1973

Jonathon Huza July 30, 1981
Tony Speedling July 24, 1982
Jennifer Ford July 14, 1984
Paul Woods July 12, 1989

Fred Ford August 23, 1955
Peter Beninger August 26, 1962
Dean Ford August 12, 1975
Steven Ford August 29, 1989
Shannon Ford August 14, 1981
Kevin Ford August 17, 1983
Kathleen Ford August 19, 1983
Lena Rosemaalen August 2, 1984
Lisa Ann Barry August 12, 1985
Kyran Barry August 29, 1988

Denis Ford September 7, 1960
Laura Ford Rosenmaallen September 18, 1963
Ian Ford September 8, 1979

Jannette Simmonds September 1, 1976
Rebecca Simmonds September 21, 1979
Shane Gallagher September 8, 1985
Daniel Gallagher September 30, 1985
Sara Ford September 2, 1986
Eric Wood September 14, 1990
Christian Ford September 25, 1990

Brian Mathews October 6, 1956
Allan Ford October 31, 1971

Christopher Piggot October 28, 1975
Terry Gallagher October 27, 1977
Nicholas Gallagher October 7, 1981
Lindsay Gallagher October 7, 1985
David Ford October 4, 1988
Joseph Ford October 8, 1991

Michael Ford November 14, 1952
Dan Ford November 14, 1964
Pat Ford November 20, 1965
Tony Corsini November 19, 1966

Colleen Gallagher November 10, 1979
Michael Gallagher November 8, 1982
Lorne Vennard November 8, 1982
Jessica Huza November 12, 1982
Katie Gallagher November 28, 1983
Jason Simmonds November 28, 1985
Danielle Coughlin November 3, 1986
Pamella Barry November 4, 1986
Christopher Gallagher November 4, 1986

Vera Berry Wood December 7, 1955
Kyran Barry December 12, 1956

Lauren Gallagher December 15, 1979
Michael Vennard December 7, 1985
Shanda Kuster December 12, 1985
Bridgette Gallagher December 3, 1988
Dylan Gallagher December 14, 1991


Loretto Woods said…
Please send me the names and birtdates I am missing from the great grandchildren list and then maybe after that is up to date I can do a great great grandchild list.
Can someone please tell me who Christian and Joseph Ford belong to? I can't figure that out.
patdean said…
Wow!! You rock!
Kathleen said…
Remarkable!! here a the rest of ours

Joshua Edward Charles Diletti Dec 23 1993
Ethan Rober Diletti Feb 11 1996
Kendra Colleen Diletti Sep 29 1998
Hunter Dominic Diletti Nov 19 2002

Standing ovation!!
Jane Ford March 30 1998
Joe Ford October 8, 1991
Pat (the better looking) Ford
Christian is Alans oldest, Joe is mine.
Loretto Woods said…
Thanks. If you can give me your siblings/cousins kids names and birthdates (the ones who don't come on here) that would help.
Maybe if you can send them to my email address that would be easier.
Loretto Woods said…
If you find any mistakes in the list please let me know Christy and Meghan Gallaghers birthdays were wrong and Brendan Coughins name was mispelled. I have made those changes to the list I have. When I get the list completed I will post it to see if its correct.
Kevin Ford said…
Kieran Gabriel Ford January 17/96
Kiana Adele Ford June 3/97
Thanks Loretto
Loretto Woods said…
Thanks Kevin. You didn't read the part that said, "email me". Pay attention eh???
Love you!!
robbyblogger said…
I COULD Email but I thought I would be difficult you can cuff me next time you're here.
Caitlin Colleen Dean Oct.1,1998
Kyle Robert Keith Dean Feb.27,2001
Ayden Charles Dean Jan.30,2004 (same birthday as your sister in law Anne. We offered Ayden up as a present but she heard the crying and saw the wrapping paper squirming and wouldn'ttouch it.)
Loretto Woods said…
Thanks Rob. Always the rebel! By the way, I am not including middle names as I don't have most of them.
Michelle said…
gescoThese are Joe Gallagher's grandchildren ...

Olivia Stevenson-June 9, 2000
Kameron Shipp-December 2, 2002
Anthony Stevenson-September 3, 2004
Nathan Harris-September 12, 2006
Carson Shy-September 6, 2007
Emilee Shy-October 31, 2008

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