God opened his arms today and welcomed an amazing man! Uncle Rudy died this morning and even though I know this to be true it is incomprehensible that he is gone. The Corsini home was an extension of my home. Listening to Uncle Rudy laugh at Laurel and Hardy. John, Tony and Uncle Rudy engrossed in the humour of these comedians. Uncle Rudy coming home with groceries, italian buns, meats, lemons. He would share his lemon with me. He ate them just like oranges! When entering the house the smell of home made sauce greeting you at the door. Whether it was Aunt Nora or Uncle Rudy's sauce the invitation was given, grab a plate and find a chair. It was home! Thank you Uncle Rudy for letting be a part of all that GREAT stuff. Today this day lemons remind me of you and they always will. You are missed.
Last week I tried to "encourage" my family to post to this blog. I sent them all TERRIBLE pictures of themselves and threatened to post them here if they didn't post their own. Although they all responded soon enough to my threat, nobody has updated this blog yet. To be fair, this sort of thing is easier for me to do so I'll give a general update on the family. I won't post those nasty pictures just yet, because I'm sure there are some of me floating around and I don't want to start a war. You may remember there are 6 kids, in order of age: Mark, Colleen, Paul, David, Kathleen & Kevin. Hearing it listed like that reminds me of being called for dinner. :) Mom and Dad (Maureen and Al) are both in good health and living in that big house you remember in Ancaster. The house and property itself would look very different to many of you as my Dad's projects have really transformed the place. There are no more big willow trees (and no more treehouse!) :( ...
Rudy was the first person I knew who had a Lazyboy recliner,an alarm system, a mother who would not let you leave her house until you were fed, colour TV,a real mans garage, Cadillacs, two living rooms, a bar, and was the first person who when making a fist because he was going to kill John or Tony (never Anne Marie) made you belive that yes he could quite well accomplish said feat with great ease!
History has shown that Rudy never did kill John or Tony (never Anne Marie)or any of his relatives, not even the time when Tony was showing me what a magnet does on a colour T.V.screen, all the colour is pulled to the magnet. I thought that was the coolest thing so I just had to test it out ALOT. Well it made Uncle Rudy very upset, VERY upset, see the colour eventually stayed at the front of the screen, yes, permanently.He did share his displeasure with me in a one sided dialogue which I think went quite well considering and it was the LAST TIME I did a stunt like that... at his house.
He was always easy to talk to and I always thought he would be there, in Hamilton, with Nora, in his recliner.
Oh ... there was the time he was working on Aunt Loretta's travel trailer and he pulled the wrong lever while laying under black water (septic) drain .... no smiles that time! I wasn't there for that one , thankfully .
As Cathy said, you felt at home at the Corsini's. Cheers Rudy Corsini,you and your family were and are big part of my childhood memories , I will miss you!