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John's Memorial

John's memorial went really well, we had about 50 - 60 people show up, considering the weather ,that was impressive!I video taped the memorial (set up the camera and walked away).If possible, I will try to post it.Fred was the M.C. and did a great job.It started off with Caitlin Dean (Rob and Tamara's eldest) and Kiana Ford (Ann & my daughter) reading from a book that Uncle John gave Kieran and Kiana called "Goodnite Moon". Friends and family followed with stories and poem of Uncle John.This is a poem that I wrote to John.

Uncle John

At the age of 18, I first came to the coast, for a little holiday and to find my groove
From another Alberta winter that I had forgotten to move
I came to Vancouver with my Uncle I would stay
I knew little about the man, only that he was gay

He was the nineth of 15 kids raised in steel town
Not quite fitting in with the other‘s around
Growing up wondering what his future would entail
In a time when for just being who you are, you could be sent to jail

He left Hamilton, grew his hair and his beard
To find a place where people wouldn’t find him weird
The 60’s in England, the 70’s in Montreal
It was there he became an actor, he would later tell us all

Acting was your love, your passion and always in your dreams
For some reason you stopped .Forever now it seems
Years past, the world became a little kinder, more accepting of one another
I got to know you, not just as an uncle but as a friend or more like a brother

Many friends were attracted to your intellectual wit and the one liners that you mastered
Others were driven away by your drinking that could change you into a complete bastard
Those who stayed true and saw past the antics that you would rarely recall
Were rewarded by getting to know and love the man whose memory will stay with us all

You left us on your own terms when living was becoming too much to bare
It meant a lot to me that I was able to be there
That one tear that rolled down your cheek shortly before you died
I know was your way of saying one last good bye

It’s been six weeks since I was sitting in traffic & started putting my thoughts to Rime
Its was yesterday I sat on your bed, held your hand that I could see that you were dying
Now your gone, but not in my heart, known to many as John , Jonah or even Jungle ohn
To me and many you will always be our dear sweet Uncle John


Vera Wood said…
Kevin - so beautiful. I wish I'd known him as well as you and Rob and Fred did. I do have a few memories to share, and you'll see from them that I didn't get anywhere near to experiencing him as you did. As always, you get out what you put in. Good for you.
Kathleen said…
Kevin you have a gift with words! The memories that have been shared has given me a warm feeling touched with a little sadness. I wish I could have sat in on a few of his stories. Listening to his accounts of a life well traveled. What a great way to share time.
Kathleen said…
That would be Kathleen Dean Diletti. Family just calls me Kathy.
Kevin Ford said…
Thanks for clarifying which Kathleen you are ! I don't think Ive ever known you as Kathleen.Im glad you enjoyed the stories. He was a great guy and he will be missed, Im very thankful that I was able to know him as well as I did.Hope all is well with you and Tom and all your little ones, Rob does a good job of keeps us informed, it keeps him away from sharp objects!Love , Kevin
colleen vennard said…
Your poem was lovely. I was sad to hear about uncle John. I didn't see him often, but made a point of getting in touch when I was there. When Brian and Holly and Wayne and I were there we had a great visit with uncle John. He was responsible for giving us the tour. We wound up at a lounge in Grannville island with a very large tab. The stories he told us that night are forever etched in my mind. The last time I saw uncle John was at your house when I stayed overnight after Chris Piggott's wedding. Take Care!

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