The Marangoni (Mathews) family is alive and well and living in Stoney Creek. Mark is a "computer geek" with the City of Hamilton. It's a good thing we have him or we wouldn't have mastered the blog. Debbie is a dental hygienist working part-time in Hamilton. Brittany is a ten year old fifth grader who loves to socialize, swim, attend Girl Guides and watch T.V. Nicole is six years old and looks very petite among her grade one classmates. Small but mighty, she loves to mother her brother, do homework and crafts, and sing and dance. Two year old Spencer keeps up surprisingly well with his sisters. He spends a couple of his weekdays teaching Gramma Jackie and Papa Bernie how to play hockey and soccer in their living room.
Since being invited to the blog last week I have been anxiously scouring for updates. I'm either very interested in my relatives or I have a lot of time on my hands. I assure you the latter is not true! It's so nice to be in touch with everyone. Love to all!
I think everyone is curious to see how we are all aging. I know Kevin Ford gets the biggest kick out mentioning my rapidly greying locks. I actually kick him for it.
"It came to me like a second jug of beer" - John Ford
Thanks for the updates! It's great to see everyone. I personaly haven't aged a bit. I still have the body of a 20 year old with ridiculously chiseled abs. Yah...that's right... I just can't find a picture right now to prove it...
It was great to see the pics of you and your family. Your mom and dad look great! Give my love to everyone.
Great pictures. Your kids look sweet. I so enjoyed our chicks night out in Aug. Wouldn't a reunion be a gas? Sorry I couldn't make it to the shower you had for Brian's new wife. I would have liked to have met her. I really did try.