Now on to my family. We now live in Singapore. I fled Canada 4 years ago, with my wife Carol, after narrowly escaping pursuit from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. There was a warrant for my arrest since I didn't ice skate, follow hockey or ski. Luckily most of the federal agents were tied up with an investigation over a store sign that didn't comply with Canadian French/English translation laws and had spelled "Color" without the "u". That was close.
For those of you that don't know where Singapore is, here's a map. (I'll admit that I wasn't sure - I just figured it was near China). It's 100 km (60 miles) north of the equator, sandwiched between indonesia and Malaysia. It's about 7 hours flight south of Beijing, China. It's a 24 hour flight back to Toronto and a 12 hour time difference. It was convenient that I didn't need to reset my watch when we moved. Just moved AM to PM. It's summer all year and the average temperature is 32 C (90 F) every day. That's a change from Canada, nd there is NO ice hockey or skiing here.
Singapore - the red star in the middle of the map.
We've been very (re)productive here in Singapore. We're blessed with two children, Noah (2.5 years) and Ella (14 months). Noah loves everything to do with ships and boats, and also loves his new bicycle and pirates. Ella is learning to walk and talk at the same time. This is an extreme sport for a one year old, but luckily her diaper cushions her numerous mis-steps. I've added our most recent pictures below. These were taken this past Christmas.
Carol and Ella at Christmas
David and Noah at Christmas
That's all for now. I hear the kids waking from their naps and I'd better go. We have our own family blog as well. It's 4 months out of date, but still full of pictures and stories. Please check it out at If you get a message saying the site doesn't exist or something like that then please e-mail me for a user ID and password.
Feel free to e-mail me at That's also my Live Messenger ID. Carol's e-mail is
Can't wait to hear more from all of you!
Ella is kind of a hazard to her own health? I wonder where she got that from?Hmmmmmmm.Did you get her her own reserve hospital bed yet? Did you tell Carol the social worker story before you had kids? Being in Singapore was it easy to get Noah pirates? What do you feed pirates now days?
Hugs and kisses to Carol and the kids.