Instead of posting a crapload of pictures, I came up with this one - it's from Michelle's wedding in September - the whole family plus one (my Mom's mother Shirley)
Mom and Dad are still in Crofton...they've been talking about moving but for years it's been all talk and no action LOL...some "sprucing up" in the house has just begun so maybe it's for real this time and a new address is in their future! Mom is still a professional shopper and still loves to host just about anything :) Dad is keeping busy with the business still and tries to get to the mountains in the fall/winter for ATVing and out on the boat in the spring/summer. They both love being grandparents - they're at 4 and counting!
I (Nikki) live about an hour from my parents with my husband and 2 kids. We have a gorgeous 6 year old daughter, Olivia who is in the 1st grade...she loves gymnastics and hates being away from Grandma for too many days in a row! Our rough & tough 2 year old is Anthony and he loves hanging with his PopPop - they are joined at the hip! Jake is gearing up to run the family business building swimming pools and I am a WAHM and a 2x gestational surrogate - I had a baby boy in Aug. '03 for one couple and I just delivered a 10 lb. baby boy 7 weeks ago for an other couple...they are the most amazing family and I am hoping in a few years to have another for them.
Lauren is next...She has an amazing 4 year old daughter, Kameron - who is 4 going on 18! Unfortunately Kam's Dad is an ass and Lauren had to divorce him, LOL but she was able to settle down with a great guy named Ryan and they just welcomed their first child together - a boy named Nathan. Lauren is working in the real estate business and Ryan is a police officer.
Then comes seen in the picture, she got married to Erik about 4 months ago. They just learned that they will be welcoming their first baby in September! Michelle works in a preschool and Erik works for a cell phone retailer.
Finally there is Lindsay...she is 21 and claims to be living at home still but let's face it, she's 21 so she's never there! She has a great job and she's enjoying the single life.
So that's about it from us...maybe some other Gallagher's will get working on an update...Christy, you're next!