This story is to give some insight into what life was like at 86 Glendale Avenue in St.Catharines. My Father (uncle Ed) always seemed to enjoy dispensing his form of enforcing good manners. He would often do so with a smile on his face. I'm relaying a story that happened to my brother Denis. Denis was walking home after basketball practice one evening, tired and very hungry. As he walked home he was dreaming of which great meal would be ready when he got home. Would it be spaghetti or lasagna or even hamburgers? Well sure enough, as he walked in, dinner was being put on the table. He sat down as my mother leans over him and puts a plate of pork chops and potatoes in front of him. Not only were pork chops not one of the things he was hoping for, they weren't even in the top ten. So Denis says "oh man, pork chops again". With that, in one quick motion, my father reaches over saying, "not hungry?" He takes Denis's plate, gives the pork chops to me and the potatoes and whatever else to Kevin, which we quickly ate up.
My father says with a smile on his face, "dinners over, peanutbutter is in the kitchen".
Thats Ed justice for you.
My father says with a smile on his face, "dinners over, peanutbutter is in the kitchen".
Thats Ed justice for you.